Chapter 4 Elements Compounds and Mixtures Chapter Review

Indelible Understanding

In this unit of work y'all volition larn about elements, compounds and different types of mixtures.  You lot will  develop a noesis of  properties of each nomenclature of matter.

Essential Questions

  •  Can yous depict the characteristics of an element  and requite examples?
  • Tin you lot explain how elements make up compounds and describe the properties of compounds?
  • Can you describe the the properties of mixtures and the four methods of separating a mixture into its pure forms?

Key Vocabulary:

  • mixture,  solution,  solute,  solvent, concentration,  compound, element, pure substance metal, not metal, metalloid, metallic.

Chapter Resources: Holt online text chap four.   See your username and password in schoology if you demand reminders.

Lesson Sequence:

L1  Can you describe what a pure substance is?

  • Awarding task:  Do the section 1 review questions from Chap 4 .   Answer all questions from 1 to seven.
  • Homework:   Please  read through the directed reading task for section i and answer the questions.  Bring your piece of work to course next lesson. Elements, compounds -directed_reading_a

L2:  What is a compound?

Today we are looking at what is a compound and how they are different to elements.

  1. Read the content from section two as will be discussing it.
  2. Do the section two review questions and bank check with the instructor when you are done.
  3. Do the directed reading  institute here.Ch4S2, directed reading
  • Chemical compound confusion min Lab
  • Adopt an element projection and rubric.
  • Prefer An Element 2013 advertisement educatee exemplars


Spend 20  minutes researching your called element for the adopt an element project.  Think yous need to classify your model by thinking of all its feature properties.  Bring your ideas and research to grade complete next lesson.

  • 7 B/7C/7D  – Bring to class your completed advertisement poster for your element.

L3:Tin can you lot describe the three properties of mixtures and  some  methods of separating a mixture into its pure forms?

  • Introducing mixtures and how they are different to compounds.
  • Planning and checking our research for our adopted element –
    • peer review check( pair and share strategy)
    • use a storyboard to build the stages of how you'll build your presentation .  From concept to cosmos.
  • Resources:S3 -directed_reading_a
        • Prefer an element planning canvass

Homework: Work on Adopt an element presentation and finalise information technology  every bit yous'll exist presenting next lesson.

L4/5/half-dozen : Adopt an element presentations.

Today and over the next two lessons we are going  to create and produce a presentation each on our adopted chemical element.  Information technology will be a celebration of learning that we can all exist proud of.     Support and encourage each other.

Homework 1. Scout the video on recycling  to run across how different mixtures are separated.

2. Read the lab guide on a  Contaminated mixture,  Before next class.

  • L7 :   What is a solution and mixture?

  • Essential questions: What is is solution and how is it different  to a compound, element and colloid?
  • Resources:
  • directed_reading_
  • Ch 3- Examination- Answer central

Homework:   Delight work on the critical thinking exercises in the sheet y'all have been given.  Bring this to class complete next lesson.

L6 and L7: Separating Mixtures Lab

  • Affiliate four Review.    Consummate the attachment here:Chapter_ 4 – review
  • Read the Separating a  mixtures  lab guide and work in a pair to solve this lab.Screen Shot 2013-11-26 at 2.31.57 PM
  • To find a soft copy of this lab-  you can download 1 from our schoology website.  Go to your group.  e.g 7 E/  Files… and you'll detect the file.  It is called  'Separating mixtures Lab guide.'
  • Homework:  Finish reading and planning your experiment.

L8  It is now time to offset reviewing Chapter 4 and everything we have learnt the last few weeks as were are preparing for our next chapter test. This will be next lesson.   At completion of the test we'll  recommence our separating mixtures lab.

  • 1. Do the Chapter 4 review which tin can be found here:
    • When y'all have completed the chapter review -cheque in with the teachers and they'll present the answer key. Chapter_ iv – review
  • ii. Now that you accept reviewed it is time to practice a practise test-  to see what you are strong and weak at.   Again when finished check in with the teacher for the answer primal.   Affiliate 4_test_prep
  • Answer key is hereAnswer central chap review and prac test.

L9 Chapter four Test

Hwork: Finish off your  plan on your separating mixtures lab.

L x Separating Mixtures Lab.

Start writing up your lab report.  You lot should exist able to do page i of the ii page lab study template.  You can  find this on your schoology  file. pages link or here

L11-13  Semester Finals Review


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