Space Engineers Rotor Gets Stuck and Turns Back

you need power to the rotor to make it move to move it you need the brake to be on zero and then move the velo to + or - to let it rotate

it has power...

ive tried 0 braking...

+ or - speed...


how much mass can 1 rotor move btw? the door weighs 20.000 kg

don't think there is a max on it i had the same with a fan build but the moment i pushed it it started to turn or try to remove part of the door to see if it works i normaly start up with a few blocks to test it out there can be aloute of reasons or no reason ad all but no more rotors wound help you can only use one per movement also copy and past thing wiith rotors will split the 2 parts in to 2 seprit ships so keep that in mind

well i removed the entire door and replaced the rotor apparently i broke it.

ive got no clue how but i can repeat it.

with or with no breaks it stops working after 2-3 times i open and close ( - and + speed)

They need to fix rotaters and make em more robust i guess else this door design wont work :(


18 Jan, 2014 @ 11:18am

this is what i do i set the rotor to point 0 where ever i want normally twords the way i want it to open. then i let it wind real quick and then you set the break to max an hit off and look at the degrees its at in the menu from my control panel then i wind it back the other way till it hits 180 and set that as upper limit then set lower at 270 then you can build doors and they can be flush if after you give it a few times . always always take it slow.

i don'w know what your making but mabye a sliding up/down of sideway door will work better i got one on my hanger and aslong as i go slow it works perfectly didn't try a rotor door yet mabye i'll look in to it but for now i don't have a design for one that i like

if you want a look on how i build it ( ) the blue hanger has a up/down sliding door and easy to make and easy to work and you can lock it down hope it helped you some

and to the slightly dim person Agonythy, thats in multiplayer those things got bugs not single player. Cause every single other rotor is working just as intended in my place.

Neo. Thanks for the ideas and help. I was thinking a slide door but it wont work too well with my ship hence why im trying to make that other door or should i say more a ramp that flips outside.

But atm it seems if a door like this is un even (build one direction of rotor) it causes to much stress and unbalance it actually vibrates the entire door on activation atm... ive tried set it so low the power and speed but somehow its still too muh for the rotor to handle.

i tried for fun ad it in the center of door so it is in balance works fine then... but then i have to split the hanger in 2 floors >.<

hahaha your welkom mabye i'll try to look into it for you in de mean time try out the work shop there are aloute of ships and stasions with rotor doors downlaod them and just check there mechenincs and settings

Well i went with a sliding door it fits nicely took a few tried to find enough engines to make it move but not too fast. Plus its solid in place in flight. Used the large ships landing gear one on each side of the door and it wont fall of no matter what nut speed i get my battle ship up to.


nice work told you that you'll find the solution

Originally posted by Agonythy:

Start reading the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ patchnotes, that is what they are made for and it is not asked too much of you...

they do work just have to get the angle and speed right though they will have to fine tune it. As it is now, you have to match the angle of the rotation to the direction you want the door to swing I made a clam shell style door that has two identical doors that swing outwards when they open and inwards when they close though getting the angle and speed matched right is the hardest part several times I got it wrong and the two doors did a 360 and smashed into one another but the remaining door (what was left of it) went back to it's starting position.

Space Engineers Rotor Gets Stuck and Turns Back


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